UK Passport Services
Your UK Passport In A Few As 2 Days!

The COVID-19 has placed unprecedented demands on the UK Passport Office. As a result, all UK Passport Offices are experiencing backlogs with individual service requests facing significant processing delays. CIBTvisas expects these delays to continue for some time as the UK Passport Office works through the outstanding Passport service requests.

We can get you a UK Passport in as few as 2 days!
Call our office at 0844 800 4650 to discuss or start your order below

Adult New Second Passport

For travel between politically sensitive countries or for frequent travellers who need multiple visas.

New Child Passport

For minors under 16 years old who are British citizens. All minors (including infants) must have their own UK Passport when traveling internationally

Lost, Stolen, or Damaged Passport

Replace your Lost or Stolen Passport to protect your identity. Damaged Passports are invalid and must be replaced

Renew Child Passport

For minors under 16 years old who are British citizens with an expired or lost passport

Name Change

Your legal name must match your UK Passport for it to be valid. If your name has changed you can update your Passport with a legal document